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How To Get Dba License

How To Get Dba License
9/2/2009 12:00 AM

I would like to own a publishing company 


1. A business license is no less than a certification from the local government that your business as you wish to conduct it is in fact legal, and as such will not be shut down at the drop of a hat. What's more, it is a promise that they will keep you current in matters of local taxation and the like and not simply leave you adrift.


2. Filing for a DBA is no small matter. Without it you can not get a business license, nor a bank account, nor anything in the name of your business, as the name of your business does not yet exist. In truth, in the absence of a DBA, You will be quite unable to run your business at all.

My product would be a Health & Wellness Magazine

Would start out of my house


Starting such a home business is contingent on two things:

1. Your succesful filing of a home office business license.


2. The proper filing of a DBA to form an umbrella under which to protect your intellectual property.

1. The key to home occupation law is the following: the concept of anti-social businesses. An anti social business is one that produces excess noise, heat, traffic, waste, requires on site storage of materials beyond that justifiable by a private individual, or the posting of signage. As long as you avoid these things, you can file for a license.


2. The essential nature of a DBA in this case is that as you publish you magazine you will aqcuire a use copyright. By publishing it and its materials first, you gain a copyright over them, in principle. It is better to protect them with a DBA then simply with your name. That way you can sell them and control with some small degree of seperation.

05 - Since you are an employer, here are the licenses and tax ids you are legally required to obtain before starting business operations: 1. A business tax registration license2. A DBA assumed business name 3. A federal tax id number if you are a partnership or you want to use it instead of you social security number to open a bank account. Also, note that forming an llc or incorporating eliminates the requirement of getting a dba. It is a good idea to form an llc to avoid personal liability from business transactions. Since you are an employer, you will need 4. a federal tax id employer number as well as 5. a state ein employer number.

Simply go to and answer our online questiontionaire to determine your business needs. Then fill out our business information form as thouroughly as possible, so that once you have completed each step of our payment system, we will be able to begin processing your order immediately.

P.O. Box 14927

Long Beach, CA. 90853


1. Without a business license, you not only face abrupt police closures for the failur to obtain a business license, you also risk a wide and generous variety of back taxes, penalties, fines, audits, misdemeanor charges and further legal difficulties once you have untangled that initial mess.


2. In addition to the previously stated reasons, a DBA allows you to protect the name of your business, as well as advertise under it in the area you have filed for it. As such, it will enable you to publish your magazine more widely, and expand your circualtion with a greater degree of absolute legal protection.

Simply go online to to determine your needs on a state by state basis.

